Lecture 40 modelling of lbm processes lecture 41 metal forming processes edit lesson lecture 42 yield criterion used. The following are the basic steps of powder metallurgy. The process of shaping metals into semifinished or finished forms by passing between rollers is called rolling. Metal forming involves changing the shape of the material by permanent plastic deformation. Nptel video lectures, iit video lectures online, nptel youtube lectures, free video lectures, nptel online.
Metal forming is a manufacturing process in which forces are applied on raw material such that stresses induced in the material are greater than yield stress and less than ultimate stress. Fundamentals of metal forming overview of metal forming material behavior in metal forming. Nptel video courses pack pdf format nptel user pack. Find materials for this course in the pages linked along the left. Under the action of such forces, the shape and size of metal piece undergo a change. Metal forming is the main method of making metal products and semifinished products. Rolling is the most widely used metal forming process.
Unit 4 metal coating processes metal coating processes. Powder metallurgy is a metalforming process performed by heating compacted metal powders to just below their melting points. Roll forming process of c z cz purlin interchangeable machine the roll forming process works by passing sheet metal through a series of rollers, with each of these rollers adding shape to the metal as it passes through. Manufacturing companies producing metals supply metals in form of ingots which are obtained by casting liquid metal into a square cross section. Nptel syllabus advanced manufacturing processes video course. Plastic properties of metals are used during the process of metal forming. They include a very wide range of consumer and industrial products, such as beverage cans, cookware, file cabinets, metal desks, appliances, car bodies figure 9.
Ppt metal forming processes powerpoint presentation. Metal forming processes, also known as mechanical working processes, are primary shaping processes in which a mass of metal or alloy is subjected to mechanical forces. Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. The forging process is very important in industrial metal manufacture, particularly in the extensive iron and steel manufacturing industry. Pdf there are a wide range of physical defects which occur during metal forming processes. The ultimate guide of metal forging free pdf download metal forging plays an important role in the manufacturing industry.
Hot working or cold working work material chemical reactivity with tool and work metals ease of application cost. Manufacturing processes i mechanical engineering course from iit roorkee nptel lecture videos by dr. Type of forming process rolling, forging, sheet metal drawing, etc. The sequences involved in investment casting are shown in figure 11. Manufacturing processes i nptel online videos, courses iit. Forming forming operations change the geometry of the starting material without cutting it. The fundamental of metal forming theory, the theories of processes of rolling, forging and stamping as well as drawing and pressing extrusion have been given. Parts that are redesigned or changed with larger dimension require new tooling. For this process melting point of first metal substrate should be higher than the melting point to be plated.
Practically all metals, which are not used in cast form are reduced to some standard shapes for subsequent processing. Yield criterion used in metal forming processes edit lesson duration. Lecture 4 metal forming fundamentals lecture 5 forging lecture 6 swaging and wire drawing. More than 90% of smelted metal is processed by different methods of metal forming. It is employed to convert metal ingots to simple stock members like blooms, billets, slabs, sheets, plates, strips etc. Other machining operations shaping and planing a singlepoint tool moves linearly relative to the work part shaping a tool moves. The author has conducted research in metal forming and has taught the subjects of metal forming analysis and metal forming technology to the graduate and undergraduate students of iit bombay and iit delhi for a total period of more than 35 years, during which time, he also guided many ph. Electroforming definition electroforming is a metal forming process that forms thin parts through the electroplating process. Lecture series on manufacturing processes i by prof.
In this ebook, we will explain you all aspects of metal forging. Heat treatment is sometimes done inadvertently due to manufacturing processes that either heat or cool the metal such as welding or forming. Nptel syllabus manufacturing processes i video course metal forming elastic and plastic deformation. We aim to provide you the basic and advanced foundation of metal forging. Heat treatment is the controlled heating and cooling of metals to alter their physical and mechanical properties without changing the product shape. Metal forming metal forming is a general term for a large group, that includes a wide variety of manufacturing processes.
Fundamentals of metal forming overview of metal forming material behavior in metal forming temperature in metal forming. Manufacturing processes i video lectures nptel videos. Although the process has existed for more than 100 years, over the past quarter century it has become widely recognized as a superior way of producing highquality parts for a variety of important applications. The material experiences plastic deformation to change the shape of the component and converted to the desired shape of the component. Analysis and technology in metal forming 29 influence of strainrate i. Metal casting processes indian institute of technology. Metal in powder form is costlier than in solid form. Resistance welding process lecture 40 reaction in weld region welding defects.
Deformation results from the use of a tool, usually called a. Opendie forging can produce forgings from a few pounds up to more than 150 tons. Metal forging is a metal forming process that involves applying compressive forces to a work piece to deform it, and create a desired geometric change to the material. The rolls work together to form the desired crosssection. Advanced metal forming processes details of high energy rate forming herf process electromagnetic forming, explosive forming electrohydraulic forming stretch forming 4. Common coating materials are zinc, aluminium, tin and lead. After converting nonporous metal into product form by metal forming processes, the mass as well as the volume remains unchanged. Process design is the ensemble of operations leading from the design geometry to the dieface. Manufacturing processes i nptel online videos, courses. The metal spinning process is confined to concentric shapes. Rolling process has a high efficiency of 75 to 95% due to its low redundant deformation and smaller deformation zone geometry. Nptel provides elearning through online web and video courses various streams. Introduction metal forming process analysis and technology in metal.
In atomization, a liquid metal stream produced by injecting molten metal through a small orifice and the steam is broken up by jets of inert gas, air or water. Some common metal forming processes are schematically given in fig 1. Lecture notes design and manufacturing ii mechanical. Two prominent methods of converting raw material into a product have been metal forming and machining. It is designed for both experts and nonexperts in the forging industry. Common substrate metal for hot dipping are steel and iron. This is a commonly used manufacturing process that helps in manufacturing the parts for tons of known and unknown purposes. Introduction to metal forming operations ime 340240.
Various metal forming techniques and their analysis, viz. Metal forming processes full notes ebook free download pdf. Metal forming and machining processes springerlink. Nptel mechanical engineering forming joint initiative of iits and iisc funded by mhrd page 3 of. Functional characteristics of ebm process edit lesson lecture 37 introduction of laser beam machining process. Nptel provides elearning through online web and video courses various. Hot working and cold working operatio slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Nptel course on manufacturing processes i, pradeep kumar et al.
Ghosh,department of metallurgy and material science,iit kharagpur. Mechanical engineering manufacturing processes i nptel. Introduction to metal forming technology classification of metal working processes. The term pressworking or press forming is used commonly in industry to describe general sheetforming operations, because they. Metal forming processes are characteristic in that the metal being processed is plastically deformed to shape it into a desired geometry.
Lecture 1 introduction to metal forming technology lecture 2 classification of metal working processes lecture 3 behavior of materials lecture 4. Manufacturing process ii fundamentals of metal forming 1 introduction metal forming includes a large group of manufacturing processes in which plastic deformation is used to change the shape of metal workpieces. Metal forming processes indian institute of technology. Nptel video lectures, iit video lectures online, nptel youtube lectures, free video lectures, nptel online courses, youtube iit videos nptel courses. Types of forging processes forging industry association. Recent advances in metal forming processes authorstream presentation. The characteristics of the shop equipment for metal forming and technology of the main metal forming methods have been given in separate sections. Like all forming processes, in metal spinning each unique part needs is own unique tool. Sheetmetal characteristics elongation the capability of the sheet metal to stretch without necking and failure. Manufacturing process ii fundamentals of metal forming 1. Materials and processes in manufacturing 8th edition. In practice for most engineering metal this means room temperature work hardening is dominant. These videos are provided by nptel elearning initiative.
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